This example script show just a bit of a simple mixing / montage script.
{ comments are between brackets }
{ this command sets the sample rate to 48000 }
DIRECTORY("/Volumes/PROJECTS/cppTK examples/example.01");
{ this sets the directory for soundfiles and output }
{the name of all generated / calculated output }
NCH = 2;{ the number of output channels, in this case the result is a stereo file }
{NCH is a variabel, in this line it is set to 2 }
f1 = SOUND("fles.puls.01.aif");
{open the soundfile "fles.puls.01.aif"}
f2 = SOUND("fles.puls.02.aif");
f3 = SOUND("puls.160116.a.aif");
AT(0); { go to time 0.0 }
PLAYSOUND(f1, 60, 120, NCH, 1, 2, -1); { play the soundfile f1 on pitch 60.000 (MIDI) with amplitude 120 dB }
{NCH has been set to 2 PLAYSOUND needs to know how many channels f1 has}
{it will play f1 on the positions 1 and 2, in this case a simple stereo position..}
{go to time 0.45 sec}
PLAYSOUND(f2, 48, 120, NCH, 1, 2, -1);
PLAYSOUND(f3, 36, 120, NCH, 1, 2, -1);
{ calculate and save all output plus an extra 1 sec to harddisk }